3月7日凌晨12点左右,用户A上传了共计10GB文件(主要是图片)到一个有30人的共享资料库。出现过1次 502 bad gateway ,然后重启服务器解决。
3月8日9点左右出现502 bad gateway 之前,一直有客户端在将同步10GB文件同步到本地。一直持续到问题解决这会,还有客户端在操作将10GB文件同步到本地。
Tip for uploading very large files (> 4GB): By default Nginx will buffer large request bodies in temp files. After the body is completely received, Nginx will send the body to the upstream server (seaf-server in our case). But it seems when the file size is very large, the buffering mechanism dosen’t work well. It may stop proxying the body in the middle. So if you want to support file uploads larger than 4GB, we suggest to install Nginx version >= 1.8.0 and add the following options to Nginx config file: