
Windows 端 转数据库报错
create database ccnet-db character set = ‘utf8’;
create database seafile-db character set = ‘utf8’;
create database seahub-db character set = ‘utf8’;

create user ‘seafile’@‘localhost’ identified by ‘your secure password’;执行是时报错
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ccnet-db.* to seafile;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON seafile-db.* to seafile;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON seahub-db.* to seafile;

执行create user ‘seafile’@‘localhost’ identified by ‘your secure password’;
提示错误#1396 - Operation CREATE USER failed for ‘seafile’@‘localhost’

自己查一下 mysql 数据库创建新用户的相关知识吧