seafile log哪里可以体现下载情况

我在服务器上部署好了seafile,可以运行了,但是查看logs文件中,都没有一个文件有提示下载的log日志。而且在seafile.log中会看到: Total download size 1597905536, exceed max download dir size 104857600, stop download multi files. 不知道这个默认的大小是在哪里设置,默认值是多大?

下载日志只在企业版中有。 max download dir size 是在 seafile.conf 中设置,

那请问,我启用https 走的443端口来跑seafile,发现使用seafile client CLI版本时,seaf-cli sync 不成功,提示出错,sseafile cli 版本是否能支持https ssl 方式 来作客户端同步呢?

使用seaf-cli进行sync时 还会报一个错 :Task is alread in the progress
As i tried to test Downloading one repository (the server runs on the cubietruck too) i got the message:

File “/usr/bin/seaf-cli”, line 791, in
File “/usr/bin/seaf-cli”, line 787, in main
File “/usr/bin/seaf-cli”, line 434, in seaf_download
email, random_key, enc_version, more_info)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pysearpc/”, line 112, in newfunc
return fret(ret_str)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pysearpc/”, line 25, in _fret_string
raise SearpcError(dicts[‘err_msg’])
pysearpc.common.SearpcError: Task is already in progress

seafile cli 版本是否能支持https ssl 方式 来作客户端同步呢?
