配置台好邮箱后,seahub.sh 启动失败

配置台好邮箱后,seahub.sh 启动失败



你把 seafile.sh 文件中 第 159 行改为

$PYTHON $gunicorn_exe seahub.wsgi:application -c "${gunicorn_conf}" -b "${port}" #--preload

也就是把 --preload 注释掉。

再 restart 一下 seahub,看看 ../runtime/error.log 中有什么信息

先确认下,这个邮件发送功能是不是只有商业版才能实现 ?


[pro] Reminder of unread notifications (It is sent by a background task which is pro edition only)

应该是编码问题,py utf-8

是不是在 seahub_settings.py 中有 中文汉字 或者 其他非英文的字母

里面有注释 ,我把注释 去掉好了,非常感谢,我再测下邮件发送功能

也可以在 seahub_settings.py 第一行加上 #encoding: utf-8,就不用去掉注释了。

嗯呢,再问下咯,这个邮箱配置只是新建用户的时候自动发送通知吗? 我上传一个文件,能不能以邮件的方式自动通知到组内相关人员?

There are currently five types of Emails sent in Seafile:+

User reset his/her password
System admin add new member
System admin reset user password
User send file/folder share link and upload link

[pro] Reminder of unread notifications (It is sent by a background task which is pro edition only)

The first four types of Email are sent immediately. The last type is sent by a background task running periodically.
