[2019-09-24 14:30:01,883] [WARNING] failed to convert <type: docx, id: b5d347f27e16bb62a49be769d81c301dc9448e40> to pdf
[2019-09-24 14:30:01,885] [WARNING] failed to fetch document of task <type: docx, id: 1cb9b9bd4535c43add03b6ff4cd1c9ef8092620d> (陈东涛、孙少芳民间借贷纠纷二审民事判决书.docx): HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
[2019-09-24 14:30:01,892] [WARNING] failed to fetch document of task <type: docx, id: 7cac544a792a2469776d3f9505f47da9dcf9ebd0> (民事起诉状-201909233901.docx): HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
[2019-09-24 14:34:51,686] [INFO] starts to index files
[2019-09-24 14:44:51,764] [INFO] starts to index files
[2019-09-24 14:54:48,564] [INFO] starts to send email
[2019-09-24 14:54:51,797] [INFO] starts to index files
[2019-09-24 14:55:15,705] [INFO] exit with code 0
[2019-09-24 14:57:28,099] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-09-24 14:57:30,150] [INFO] audit is enabled
[2019-09-24 14:57:30,153] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-09-24 14:57:30,162] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seafile_db
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,188] [INFO] The file with the following suffix will be recorded into the file history: md,txt,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,190] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,191] [INFO] Events publish to redis is disabled.
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,207] [INFO] LDAP section is not set, disable ldap sync.
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,208] [INFO] [virus_scan] scan_command option is not found in /opt/seafile/conf/seafile.conf, disable virus scan.
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,212] [INFO] try to connect to ccnet-server…
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,212] [INFO] connected to ccnet server
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,217] [INFO] listen to mq: set([‘seahub.audit’, ‘seaf_server.event’, ‘seaf_server.stats’, ‘seahub.stats’, ‘seahub.draft’])
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,218] [INFO] Starting background tasks.
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,218] [INFO] Start file updates sender, interval = 60 sec
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,218] [INFO] work weixin notice sender is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,218] [INFO] search indexer is started, interval = 600 sec
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,219] [INFO] seahub email sender is started, interval = 1800 sec
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,219] [INFO] ldap sync is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,219] [INFO] virus scan is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,219] [INFO] data statistics is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:57:36,219] [INFO] content scan is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:57:40,450] [INFO] unoconv process already start.
[2019-09-24 14:57:40,454] [INFO] office converter started
[2019-09-24 14:57:40,454] [INFO] User login statistics is disabled.
[2019-09-24 14:57:40,455] [INFO] Traffic statistics is disabled.
[2019-09-24 14:58:46,554] [WARNING] libevent error: what = 17
[2019-09-24 14:58:46,555] [WARNING] connection to ccnet-server is lost
[2019-09-24 14:58:46,555] [INFO] exit with code 0
[2019-09-24 14:58:55,408] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-09-24 14:58:55,517] [INFO] audit is enabled
[2019-09-24 14:58:55,520] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-09-24 14:58:55,522] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seafile_db
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,087] [INFO] The file with the following suffix will be recorded into the file history: md,txt,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,094] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,095] [INFO] Events publish to redis is disabled.
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,098] [INFO] LDAP section is not set, disable ldap sync.
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,105] [INFO] [virus_scan] scan_command option is not found in /opt/seafile/conf/seafile.conf, disable virus scan.
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,108] [INFO] try to connect to ccnet-server…
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,109] [INFO] connected to ccnet server
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,118] [INFO] listen to mq: set([‘seahub.audit’, ‘seaf_server.event’, ‘seaf_server.stats’, ‘seahub.stats’, ‘seahub.draft’])
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,119] [INFO] Starting background tasks.
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,120] [INFO] Start file updates sender, interval = 60 sec
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,120] [INFO] work weixin notice sender is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,120] [INFO] search indexer is started, interval = 600 sec
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,120] [INFO] seahub email sender is started, interval = 1800 sec
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,120] [INFO] ldap sync is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,120] [INFO] virus scan is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,121] [INFO] data statistics is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:58:56,121] [INFO] content scan is disabled
[2019-09-24 14:58:59,761] [INFO] unoconv process already start.
[2019-09-24 14:58:59,764] [INFO] office converter started
[2019-09-24 14:58:59,765] [INFO] User login statistics is disabled.
[2019-09-24 14:58:59,765] [INFO] Traffic statistics is disabled.
[2019-09-24 15:08:56,121] [INFO] starts to index files
[2019-09-24 15:18:56,148] [INFO] starts to index files
[2019-09-24 15:28:56,189] [INFO] starts to send email
[2019-09-24 15:28:56,214] [INFO] starts to index files