
[root@VM_0_7_centos seafile-server-7.1.4]# ./seahub.sh start

Starting seahub at port 8000 …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/hywkt/thunisoft/install/seafile-server-7.1.4/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn”, line 5, in
from gunicorn.app.wsgiapp import run
File “/hywkt/thunisoft/install/seafile-server-7.1.4/seahub/thirdpart/gunicorn/app/wsgiapp.py”, line 9, in
from gunicorn.app.base import Application
File “/hywkt/thunisoft/install/seafile-server-7.1.4/seahub/thirdpart/gunicorn/app/base.py”, line 13, in
from gunicorn.config import Config, get_default_config_file
File “/hywkt/thunisoft/install/seafile-server-7.1.4/seahub/thirdpart/gunicorn/config.py”, line 16, in
import ssl
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/ssl.py”, line 98, in
import _ssl # if we can’t import it, let the error propagate
ImportError: No module named ‘_ssl’
Error:Seahub failed to start.
Please try to run “./seahub.sh start” again


上面都写了啊ImportError: No module named ‘_ssl

你需要使用python 库来装

首先执行下 which python 看看调用的是哪里的python,是你安装的还是系统自带的
然后执行yum install -y openssl openssl-devel ,
如果还不行重装python3, 参考