安装seafile server的虚机回滚后,客户端无法同步

seafile server是在vmware workstation创建的虚拟机上安装的。主机意外重启后,虚机中的mariadb文件损坏。利用自动快照回滚后,网页客户端可以打开并浏览文件,但是原先同步过的客户端一直报服务器内部错误:

[07/25/21 11:11:20] Repo ‘cloud’ sync state transition from ‘initializing’ to ‘downloading’.
[07/25/21 11:11:20] Transfer repo ‘xxx’: (‘normal’, ‘init’) --> (‘normal’, ‘check’)
[07/25/21 11:11:20] Transfer repo ‘xxx’: (‘normal’, ‘check’) --> (‘normal’, ‘commit’)
[07/25/21 11:11:20] Transfer repo ‘xxx’: (‘normal’, ‘commit’) --> (‘normal’, ‘fs’)
[07/25/21 11:11:20] Bad response code for GET https://xxx/seafhttp/repo/yyy/fs-id-list/?server-head=zzz&client-head=aaa: 500.
[07/25/21 11:11:20] Failed to get fs id list for repo xxx on server https://yyy.
[07/25/21 11:11:20] Transfer repo ‘xxx’: (‘normal’, ‘fs’) --> (‘error’, ‘finished’)
[07/25/21 11:11:20] Repo ‘cloud’ sync state transition from downloading to ‘error’: ‘Server error’.
[07/25/21 11:11:20] SQL error: 1 - incomplete input
: INSERT INTO FileSyncError (repo_id, repo_name, err_id, timestamp) VALUES (‘4xxx’, ‘cloud’, 21,

[07/25/2021 03:11:20 AM] http-server.c(1431): Remote head commit xxx not found.

退出用户 清理一下缓存试试