升级后seahub不能启动 7.1.5to 8.0.6

7.1.5升级到8.0.6后 执行./seahub.sh start错误
$ ./seahub.sh start
LC_ALL is not set in ENV, set to en_US.UTF-8
Starting seahub at port 8000 …
Error:Seahub failed to start.
Please try to run “./seahub.sh start” again

$ bash -xv ./seahub.sh start
+ check_init_admin_script=/seafile/seafile-server-8.0.6/check_init_admin.py
+ python3 /seafile/seafile-server-8.0.6/check_init_admin.py
+ python3 /seafile/seafile-server-8.0.6/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /seafile/conf/gunicorn.conf.py --preload
+ sleep 5
+ pgrep -f seahub.wsgi:application
+ printf '\033[33mError:Seahub failed to start.\033[m\n'
Error:Seahub failed to start.
+ echo 'Please try to run "./seahub.sh start" again'
Please try to run "./seahub.sh start" again
+ exit 1

python3 /seafile/seafile-server-8.0.6/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /seafile/conf/gunicorn.conf.py --preload

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘gunicorn’
