
在ubuntu 22.04系统上部署了seafile10,使用一切正常,就是在系统管理里的统计里已用空间不显示容量,统计里其他数据都正常,在seafevents.log里有一个警告提示:
[2023-05-23 12:49:37,409] [INFO] starts to index files
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,148] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub-db
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,149] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seafile-db
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,150] [INFO] Start counting total storage…
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,151] [WARNING] [TotalStorageCounter] Failed to get total storage occupation: RepoSize
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,410] [INFO] starts to index files
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,512] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub-db
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,514] [INFO] Start counting traffic info…
[2023-05-23 12:59:37,515] [INFO] Traffic counter finished, total time: 0.0006544589996337891 seconds.

1 个赞

seafile11 有同样的问题 有解决方案么
