

[08/21/24 16:40:31] libcurl failed to PUT http://cloud.stevenz.cn:4525/seafhttp/repo/848eb969-4a07-4e65-94c2-e8f0c7a5350d/block/8696d23f5ce4e2b04bd624c488bcc45b47535fd9: Timeout was reached.
[08/21/24 16:40:31] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'data') --> ('error', 'finished')
[08/21/24 16:40:31] Repo 'Clouds' sync state transition from uploading to 'error': 'Data transfer timed out. Please check network or firewall'.
[08/21/24 16:40:32] Repo 'Clouds' sync state transition from 'synchronized' to 'uploading'.
[08/21/24 16:40:32] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'init') --> ('normal', 'check')
[08/21/24 16:40:32] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'check') --> ('normal', 'commit')
[08/21/24 16:40:32] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'commit') --> ('normal', 'fs')
[08/21/24 16:40:32] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'fs') --> ('normal', 'data')
[08/21/24 16:45:45] libcurl failed to PUT http://cloud.stevenz.cn:4525/seafhttp/repo/848eb969-4a07-4e65-94c2-e8f0c7a5350d/block/8696d23f5ce4e2b04bd624c488bcc45b47535fd9: Send failed since rewinding of the data stream failed.
[08/21/24 16:45:45] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'data') --> ('error', 'finished')
[08/21/24 16:45:45] Repo 'Clouds' sync state transition from uploading to 'error': 'Unhandled http redirect from server. Please check server cofiguration'.
[08/21/24 16:45:45] Repo 'Clouds' sync state transition from 'synchronized' to 'uploading'.
[08/21/24 16:45:45] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'init') --> ('normal', 'check')
[08/21/24 16:45:46] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'check') --> ('normal', 'commit')
[08/21/24 16:45:46] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'commit') --> ('normal', 'fs')
[08/21/24 16:45:47] Transfer repo '848eb969': ('normal', 'fs') --> ('normal', 'data')


今天又遇到了单个文件报错Unhandled http redirect from server了,服务器是在Win10上装的docker,Windows的防火墙关了还是没用,用了好多年了,之前一直好好的,最近升级了最新版seafile


从日志上看,应该是上传文件 block 到服务时超时了,上传 block 失败是会都卡住的。

  1. 您可以到nginx查看下报错这个时间,有没有收到请求?
  2. 您的客户端和服务器的版本分别是多少?