[08/05/16 16:08:43]starting ccnet: ("-c", “C:/Users/Administrator/ccnet”)
[08/05/16 16:08:44]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…
[08/05/16 16:08:44]connected to ccnet daemon
[08/05/16 16:08:44]starting seaf-daemon: ("-c", “C:/Users/Administrator/ccnet”, “-d”, “D:/My Documents/Workspace/Seafile/seafile-data”, “-w”, “D:/My Documents/Workspace/Seafile”)
[08/05/16 16:08:45][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[08/05/16 16:08:45][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[08/05/16 16:08:45][MessageListener] connected to daemon
[08/05/16 16:08:46]Unable to get config value download_limit: Config not exists
[08/05/16 16:08:46]Unable to get config value upload_limit: Config not exists
[08/05/16 16:08:46]QString::arg: Argument missing: ???(&O), Seafile
[08/05/16 16:08:46][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[08/05/16 16:10:16][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[08/05/16 16:10:19]The latest version is 5.0.4
[08/05/16 16:10:35]QString::arg: Argument missing: ???, Seafile
[08/05/16 16:10:50]QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is QApplication(0x28fe5c), parent’s thread is QThread(0x15bc5a0), current thread is QThread(0xa5d4bf8)
[08/05/16 16:10:52][file server task] network error: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:10:52][file server task] error: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:10:53]上传文件失败: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:15:33]QString::arg: Argument missing: ???, Seafile
[08/05/16 16:15:58][file server task] network error: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:15:58][file server task] error: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:17:53]上传文件失败: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:27:54]QString::arg: Argument missing: ???, Seafile
[08/05/16 16:27:57]QString::arg: Argument missing: ???, Seafile
[08/05/16 16:48:38]QString::arg: Argument missing: ???, Seafile
[08/05/16 16:48:52][file server task] network error: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:48:52][file server task] error: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:48:57]上传文件失败: 连接被拒绝
[08/05/16 16:49:04]ShellExecute ‘’ failed (error 29).
[08/05/16 16:49:25]ShellExecute ‘https://seafile.com/help/install_v2/’ failed (error 5).