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[2019-01-06 03:09:30,406] [INFO] audit is enabled
[2019-01-06 03:09:30,407] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,299] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seafile_db
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,848] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,942] [INFO] Events publish to redis is disabled.
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,942] [DEBUG] seafes enabled: True
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [DEBUG] seafes dir: /opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.3.9/pro/python/seafes
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [DEBUG] seafes logfile: /shared/logs/seafile/index.log
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [DEBUG] seafes index interval: 600 sec
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [DEBUG] seafes index office/pdf: True
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [DEBUG] seahub email enabled: True
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [DEBUG] seahub dir: /opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.3.9/seahub
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [DEBUG] send seahub email interval: 1800 sec
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,943] [INFO] LDAP section is not set, disable ldap sync.
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,944] [INFO] [virus_scan] scan_command option is not found in /opt/seafile/conf/seafile.conf, disable virus scan.
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,945] [DEBUG] office enabled: True
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,945] [DEBUG] office convert workers: 1
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,945] [DEBUG] office outputdir: /tmp/seafile-office-output
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,945] [DEBUG] office convert max pages: 50
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,945] [DEBUG] office convert max size: 10 MB
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,945] [DEBUG] using config file /opt/seafile/conf/ccnet.conf
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,946] [INFO] try to connect to ccnet-server…
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,946] [INFO] connected to ccnet server
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,946] [DEBUG] using config file /opt/seafile/conf/ccnet.conf
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,965] [INFO] listen to mq: set([‘seahub.audit’, ‘seaf_server.event’, ‘seaf_server.stats’, ‘seahub.stats’])
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,965] [INFO] Starting background tasks.
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,966] [INFO] search indexer is started, interval = 600 sec
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,966] [INFO] seahub email sender is started, interval = 1800 sec
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,966] [INFO] ldap sync is disabled
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,966] [INFO] virus scan is disabled
[2019-01-06 03:09:33,966] [INFO] data statistics is disabled
[2019-01-06 03:09:34,786] [INFO] unoconv process will use python 3
[2019-01-06 03:09:34,786] [DEBUG] Running command: “/usr/bin/python3” “/opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.3.9/pro/python/seafevents/office_converter/” “-vvv” “–pipe” “seafilepipe” “-l”, cwd = /opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.3.9/pro/python/seafevents/office_converter
[2019-01-06 03:09:37,806] [DEBUG] Running command: “ps” “-ef”
[2019-01-06 03:09:37,867] [WARNING] Failed to running unoconv process.
[2019-01-06 03:09:37,884] [INFO] office converter started
[2019-01-06 03:09:37,884] [INFO] User login statistics is disabled.
[2019-01-06 03:09:37,884] [INFO] Traffic statistics is disabled.
[2019-01-06 03:16:11,933] [DEBUG] using config file /opt/seafile/conf/ccnet.conf




